Joyce Z. and Jacob Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies
1155 East 60th Street, Room 302A
Chicago, IL 60637


Conference Presentation Travel Grants

The Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies offers grants for students in PhD programs to travel to conferences at which they will present their research. This funding can be requested at any time during the year. Funding for up to $500 is available for domestic travel and up to $1000 for international travel. Awards are made in the form of reimbursement of expenses. GCJS travel grants may be combined with other funding. Students are limited to one conference presentation travel grant during their time of study at the University of Chicago.
Application: Applications must be submitted via email to Nancy Pardee ( Materials should be sent as PDF attachments.
The application materials must include:
1. GCJS Cover Sheet
2. Title and brief summary of presentation (one page)
3. Official conference announcement
4. Acceptance of presentation by conference organizers
5. Rough budget covering the entire trip and demonstrating the use of the total amount being requested
6. Current CV
7. E-mail from the student’s departmental Chair of Graduate Studies stating that the student is in good standing
Post-award report: All awardees must submit a one-page report within one month of the end of the conference detailing the use of funds and including receipts.